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Showing posts from July 12, 2019

What is Error, Bug and Defec ?

What is Error, Bug and Defect in software testing ? Error :- When developer compile a program and program compilation is failed due to some syntax problem or not used correct logic, is called an Error.  For example:-  public class  { public static void main( string []args) { s.o.p(" hello") } } Now after running this program, we will get an error because there is syntax issues as we haven't use correct syntax to print output. Bug : Bug is something that is not producing expected output or something is not behaving as expected.  For example- Developer develop a program to add two number and that program is running fine but producing wrong result. public class  { public static void main( string []args) { int a=3; int b=2; int s= ++a+b; System.out.println(" hello"); } } Actual output: 6 Expected outpit: 5 So here system is not producing expected output after adding two number. In simple term, whe...